Get Started
5 Trigger a Webhook

Step 5 - Trigger a Webhook

Enable the basic webhook

In src/index.js, uncomment the import of ./basicWebhook.

import "./helloWorld";
import "./helloSlack";
import "./basicWebhook";
// import "./githubToSlack";

Take a look at the webhook definition

Look at src/basicWebhook.js. As you can see, it's quite simple and just has a name and a title.

import { defineWebhook } from "@runlightyear/lightyear";
const basicWebhook = defineWebhook({
  name: "basicWebhook",
  title: "Basic Webhook",
export default basicWebhook;

Make it the trigger for an action

In src/helloSlack.js, first import basicWebhook and then add it as the trigger for the helloSlack action.

import { defineAction } from "@runlightyear/lightyear";
import { Slack } from "@runlightyear/slack";
import basicWebhook from "./basicWebhook";
  name: "helloSlack",
  title: "Hello Slack",
  apps: ["slack"],
  trigger: {
    webhook: basicWebhook,
  run: async ({ auths }) => {
    const slack = new Slack({ auth: auths.slack });
    await slack.postMessage({
      channel: "#general", // <-- you might want to change this!
      text: "Hello Slack!",
    });"Posted message to Slack");

Let's also change the text to reflect that we triggered from a webhook.

import { defineAction } from "@runlightyear/lightyear";
import { Slack } from "@runlightyear/slack";
import basicWebhook from "./basicWebhook";
  name: "helloSlack",
  title: "Hello Slack",
  apps: ["slack"],
  trigger: {
    webhook: basicWebhook,
  run: async ({ auths }) => {
    const slack = new Slack({ auth: auths.slack });
    await slack.postMessage({
      channel: "#general", // <-- you might want to change this!
      text: "Hello from a webhook!",
    });"Posted message to Slack");

Check out the updates

Select the Webhooks menu now see the newly created basicWebhook in Webhooks.


Trigger the webhook

When you click on the basicWebhook card...

0 can see the actual endpoint URL that was generated.


Copy the URL and paste it into a new browser tab and you should see this:

{ "message": "Success" }

Returning to the dashboard, you can see the first webhook delivery that you just triggered.


You should also see the message in Slack.